US Customs and Border Protection Harmonized System Updates

CSMS # 61163504 – Harmonized System Updates (HSU) 2407 and 2408

CBP was advised CSMS were missed for HSU 2407 and 2408.

PLEASE NOTE: HTS extract files for both HSUs 2407 and 2408 were released already following each update. All ABI Participants that receive the HTS extract data file for free automatically should have received both HTS extract data files as they normally would. HTS extract data file for HSU 2407 was sent out on June 20, 2024, and HTS extract data file for HSU 2408 was sent out on June 21, 2024.

Harmonized System Update (HSU) 2407 was created on June 20, 2024, and contains 17 ABI records and 4 harmonized tariff records. The HTS extract data file for HSU 2407 was sent out to all ABI participants on June 21, 2024. This update contained Section 301 exclusion updates that included extending HTS numbers 9903.88.67 and 9903.88.68 from May 31, 2024, to June 14, 2024, and adding new HTS number 9903.88.69 effective June 15, 2024, through May 25, 2025. For more information on the Section 301 exclusion update, the Federal Register notice can be viewed here.

Harmonized System Update (HSU) 2408 was created on June 21, 2024, and contains 3 ABI records and 1 harmonized tariff record. The HTS extract data file for HSU 2408 was sent out to all ABI participants on June 21, 2024. HSU 2408 included an update to the new Section 301 exclusion 9903.88.69 that was added in previous update, HSU 2407. It was brought to our attention the effective date was entered incorrectly. HSU 2408 contains the correction to 9903.88.69 with the correct effective date of June 15, 2024.

We apologize for the missed CSMS for updates 2407 and 2408. For any issues obtaining the HTS data extract files for updates 2407 or 2408 please send an email to the HTS admin mailbox.

Questions or concerns with the Harmonized System Update should be directed to HTS admin at