With the recent security incidents in mind, we have decided to continue to avoid the Red Sea route for the safety of our crew and cargo.

We appreciate your understanding and patience during this difficult situation. We will keep you informed of any developments and changes as they occur. You can also follow the status of your shipment on our Vessel Tracker or our Live Ticker.

We have updated our schedules to reflect the Cape of Good Hope transit at the last port of departure in the region. This will allow us to make the most accurate decisions based on the latest information. Please note that this will affect and increase the transit times shown on our website.

How will we serve Red Sea cargo?

We will introduce a shuttle service connecting Red Sea cargo via Jeddah, SA. This will enable us to connect the Red Sea market with Europe, North America and Latin America.

Tanger, MA – Damietta, EG – Jeddah, SA – Tanger, MA

A feeder service has been arranged whereby Aqaba, JO and Port Sudan, SD are routed via Jeddah, SA.

We plan to maintain a 10-day frequency for this service.

We understand that this doesn’t cover all Red Sea cargo, so we will continue to provide updates as we come up with more solutions. 

We are doing our best to resume normal operations as soon as possible and to provide you with the highest level of service and quality. If you have questions concerning the above changes, please contact our teams at  your location, who will be happy to guide you based on your individual situation.