India MRA Export Benefits

Attention CTPAT Partners,

Unfortunately, due to situations beyond our control, primarily because of the COVID-19 Pandemic limiting our travel capabilities, it wasn’t until December 2022 that I was able to visit New Delhi, India and meet with our India AEO officials to discuss our MRA implementation plan on a more in-depth level.  I am happy to report that India AEO will now be accepting CTPAT Partner exports sent directly to India from the United States, which will then receive entry level clearance benefits upon arrival to India Ports of Entry, if qualified.  However, the only way we can properly measure this benefit is for eligible CTPAT Partners to participate in this effort.  If you export any shipments to an India based consignee, please ensure you meet all the following criteria if you are interested in participating. 

  1. You are a current certified/validated CTPAT Importer and/or Exporter
  2. You have checked the “India box”  within the MRA/International Tab of your portal account
  3. You export shipments directly to an India based consignee via the United States
  4. You are listed in your portal account as a designated Point of Contact

If you meet the above criteria, please submit the following information directly to me at (preferably in the format outlined below or an easy to read excel document)

  1. Company name
  2. CTPAT account number
  3. Company address
  4. Company phone number
  5. Company name of India based consignee you ship/export to (please ensure you annotate this information as accurately as possible)
  6. Company address of India based consignee you ship/export to (please ensure you annotate this information as accurately as possible)
  7. Company POC name of India based consignee you ship/export to (please ensure you annotate this information as accurately as possible
  8. Company phone number of India based consignee you ship/export to (please ensure you annotate this information as accurately as possible)
  9. If possible, and strongly encouraged, the India government/issued IEC number from the company.  This number should be known to the India based consignee and will help expedite forwarding of the information to India AEO officials

Upon receiving your information, I will directly contact you to provide a timeframe on when I plan on sharing this information with my India AEO counterparts.  Please note that the only information India AEO will be receiving or the 9-line items listed above.  That is why it paramount that you check the “India box” within the MRA/International tab within your portal account that explains our MRA and then voluntarily agree to participate in this MRA.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly using the email I provided above.  Thank you for your consideration.


Mark Isaacson

Director, Buffalo, NY CTPAT Field Office