Informational Pipeline NO.23-005-JFK

The purpose of this pipeline is to inform all stakeholders that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is currently assessing the feasibility of establishing a Centralized Examination Station (CES) at the Port of JFK Airport, New York.

As JFK Airport continues to modernize across the passenger and cargo environments, CBP must also modernize to become more efficient and effective in carrying out our enforcement and trade facilitation missions encompassing more than $100 billion in trade annually.  We believe that a CES will benefit the entire airport community.

As we move forward, CBP would like to stress the importance of community engagement and feedback.  This will be an undertaking that involves multiple stages of planning and continued input from our partners.  The links below contain important information regarding Central Examination Stations:

Code of Federal Regulations:

eCFR :: 19 CFR Part 118 — Centralized Examination Stations

CBP Directive NO. 3270-007A:


Please note that this Pipeline is informational in nature and is not to be considered the official Public Notice or a solicitation.  If CBP elects to pursue the creation of a CES at JFK Airport, official notice will be made, and the solicitation process will commence, at the appropriate time.  All questions or concerns should be sent to the following email addressJFKCES@CBP.DHS.GOV