ISF Filing & Compliance

ISF filing and correcting the b/l of laden is important to compliance.

The parties are also important so be careful and make sure you understand who is who. The shipper is not the consolidator, the consolidator is the freight company consigned to move the cargo, it can be the steamship line or a freight forwarder but is not likely the shipper who instead turns the cargo over to the carrier. Just assuming the shipper is the consolidator or assuming the stuffing location is the shipper can get you in trouble.

Often the shipper is the container stuffing location but in some circumstances it is not, for example. I received an ISF from an importer importing from Uzbekistan and showed the supplier as the container stuffing location. I immediately knew this was not right because Uzbekistan is roughly 5000 miles from the nearest seaport. So I ask…why would a logistic company send an empty container 5000 miles inland to fill it and send it 5000 miles back to the port. Of course the logical arrangement would be to truck the cargo to a warehouse at the discharge port, in this case was Izmir Turkey, then to send a container back and forth.